Super Buyer

  • Price:XAF1000.00
  • Wholesale:XAF100.00
  • CNY.Price:¥0.72
  • min.order: 1 piece
  • lead time: 15 day
  • Inventory: 99600 Collect
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Shipping: Contact Anile for more shipping details

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After sales: Get exclusive after-sales rights protection

  • Trade name:Super Buyer
  • Weight:
  • Piece:件
  • Launch Time:2023-08-14 14:29:10


It is a member service launched by @ nile.

First You need to register an account .


How to become Super buyer?

1. Please make sure your mobile account has the mobile payment function of orange money or mtn money.

2. Purchase "Super buyer" certification.

3. Confirm that your balance exceeds the certified amount; Then directly purchase then initiate payment, or add to the shopping cart for settlement.

4. Pay with password which is according to your orange money or mtn money prompt.

5. Once the order shows that the transaction has succeed, which means it has passed the Super buyer authentication of


Super buyer Benefits:

1. Preferential service charge for cash on delivery, 2%---5%.

2. Free agent purchase, quotation and search product.

3. Pay the goods to the specific customer, XAFCNY & XAFUSD.

4. Exclusive VIP customer service.

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